Our Story
Originating as a vaudeville theatre known as the Nordland Plaza Nickelodeon in 1890, Bogart's is rich in live entertainment history. The iconic venue was transformed in the 1950's to a German Film Theater followed by an extensive remodel in 1980, by Al Porkolab who originally opened Bogart's as Bogart's Cafe Americain as an ode to Humphrey Bogart and the iconic Casablanca film before dedicating it a full time music venue. In doing so, it cemented the venue to becoming a major local attraction for local, national and international talent. Bogart's has been recognized on the international stage for bringing the newest, and best, music and entertainment to the public for over four decades. In 2025, Bogart's will turn 50 years old.

AUGUST 22, 1982 - Nordland Plaza, pictured, used to seat some 908 patrons in the early 1900s. Patrons sat in wooden, row chairs for the vaudeville and moving picture shows.

Sept 23 1984 - Prince performed a secret show at Bogart's as a dress rehearsal for the Purple Rain Tour. The tour was listed under "Red Hot & Blue" and Cincinnati got to hear the debute of Prince's new song, "God".

The historic club has stood the test of time and only continues to strengthen as we turn 50 next year.